
Per Covenants
#5 Easements

There are strips of ground variable in width, as shown on the Plats, and marked "casements", reserved for the installation of water and sewer mains, poles, ducts, lines and wires, Overland drainage flows subject at all times to the proper authorities and easements herein reserved. No permanent structures shall be erected or maintained upon said strip of land except as noted in paragraphs 6 and 7, regarding screening of non-access easements. No changes shall be made in the grading of any lot areas used as berm, storm drainage runoff, but owners of lots in the subdivision shall take their titles subject to the rights of the public utilities. Furthermore, any utility company in setting utility poles shall have the right to set anchor transformer poles at any change of direction of their lines. Such anchor poles may be set on any lot line outside the easement and not more than ten (10) feet from the rear line of any lot. All utility pedestals and transformers shall be erected on or within five (5) feet of the nearest lot corner. An easement is also granted to the Association, its officers, agents and employees and to any management companies selected by the Association to enter, cross over or otherwise utilize any portion of the lot in the performance of its duties granted by these Covenants and Restrictions